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Stories from Storytellers: Parenting Influencers' Best Advice

There is no silver bullet to parenting: A method that works for all families, or for all children. We’re in the business of keeping kids safe, and opening the lines of communication within the parenting community in hopes of creating constructive, helpful and powerful conversations about alcohol.

This year, we celebrated Mom 2.0 Summit’s 10th birthday by giving bloggers a little (or, let’s be real -- extremely large) gift: Other parents’ advice.

We asked summit attendees to either send words of wisdom to their past self, tell us a story from a current parenting win, or a wish they have for their kid’s future.

We asked parents to reflect, live in the moment, or look ahead so that our graphic storyteller, Nikki Kurt, could create a three storyboards overflowing with wisdom and child-rearing power.

We’re taking these nuggets of positive parenting motivation and sharing them with our community because you deserve to be inspired, too. If the parenting community can’t stand together in keeping kids safe, who will?

What would be YOUR answer to these prompts? Feel free to comment by joining this conversation on Facebook here or using the hashtag #Mom2Summit #ResponsibilityStories.

Click on the stories below to enlarge and see more!