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Celebrities Against Drunk Driving & Underage Drinking

We’re proud of the ambassadors who have the charisma, passion, and dedication to lend their voice to keeping teens safe and being great role models.

Over the last 25 years, we’ve worked with a number of celebrities. We don’t mean to name drop, but here are a few:


Simone Biles:

In 2017, we teamed up with the most decorated American gymnast Simone Biles to encourage parents and teachers to start conversations about the dangers of underage drinking through our Ask, Listen, Learn program. Simone joined over 20 Attorneys General from across the country in saying "YES" to a healthy lifestyle and "NO" to underage drinking. This goal-driven super athlete is a great role model for kids everywhere! Check out some of our projects with Simone here.

Shaquille O’Neal:

We’re proud to work with NBA legend Shaquille O’Neal since 2010, first to combat the national issue of college-age binge drinking through our student-led campaigns on college campuses. This year, Shaq joined our campaign "Drive Like You Give a #&%!" to fight impaired driving by encouraging young adults to make safe decisions when behind the wheel. Shaq has also helped us fight underage drinking through the “Shaq Teaches Bella About Driving” video series and the #InnerShaq campaign.


Ashley Wagner:

Ashley Wagner is a two-time U.S. National Champion (2012 & 2013), 2012 Four Continents Champion, two-time U.S. bronze medalist, 2016 World silver medalist and two-time Junior World bronze medalist in figure skating. Ashley became an Ask, Listen, Learn Superstar last year, and has visited middle schools across the country on the program’s behalf to encourage boys and girls to say “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking. Learn more about Ashley’s work with us here.

Julie Foudy:

Julie Foudy was a U.S. Women’s National Team soccer star for more than 17 years. A great leader, she was the captain of the United States soccer teams in the 2000 and 2004 Olympic Games, World Cup qualifying in 2002, and the 2003 World Cup. Foudy continues to support kids through her Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy, teaching girls how to be leaders on the field and in life.

Nathan Adrian:

In April 2019, we teamed up with champion swimmer and 5-time Olympic gold medalist Nathan Adrian and 23 Attorneys General from across the United States just in time for Alcohol Responsibility MonthTogether, they spoke to parents about the importance of having conversations in order to prevent underage drinking. Nathan also helped launch a new partnership between Ask, Listen, Learn and Discovery Education. This educational programming provides information for students in grades 4-7 about how alcohol affects their developing brain, body and behavior. The free materials include videos and lesson plans featuring Nathan Adrian, as well as an interactive module to help kids say “NO” to peer pressure to drink underage.

Summer Sanders:

Summer Sanders joined our team in 2018 to encourage parents to talk to their kids about saying “YES” to a healthy lifestyle and “NO” to underage drinking. “I’m thrilled to be a part of’sAsk, Listen, Learn team,” said Sanders, who won two gold medals, one silver and a bronze in the 1992 Olympic swimming competition. “As an Olympian and a mother of two, I’m keenly aware of how important it is to make the right choices, be a positive role model, and have meaningful conversations with my kids. I hope these PSAs will remind parents that they are the biggest influence in their kids’ decision to drink—or not to drink—alcohol and just how important it is to talk to them about underage drinking.”

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