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Leaves Change, Responsibility Stays the Same 

With the weather cooling off and the holidays just around the corner, it’s time to embrace fall and all it has to offer. From parties and tailgates to fall and winter sports from juggling calendars to receiving visits from family and friends, this time of year can be overwhelmingly busy.

Although the leaves are changing outside, responsibility stays the same. We encourage you to consider what responsibility means to you and how you will model responsible behaviors in your everyday life.

As the year quickly progresses, for us at, this is an important time to focus on the aspects of responsibility that define our missions and values. A recent Gallup poll found that 62% of Americans self-report they consume alcohol. This number reinforces our commitment to promoting the responsible consumption of alcohol to those over 21 who choose to consume. Here are a few tips to ensure you and your families have a safe, responsible fall.

  • If you are going out somewhere that alcohol may be served, make plans ahead of time to get home safely. Never drive drunk or impaired, and make sure those around you have a safe way to get home, too.
  • If you choose to drink, do so responsibly and know your limits. Be sure you are aware of what’s in your drink and if it’s one (or more) standard serving size of alcohol. Before you take your first sip, use our Virtual Bar BAC calculator to safely learn how alcohol and other factors can affect your individual BAC.
  • If you are hosting a gathering, make sure to offer water and food and consider offering a zero-alcohol drink for those who choose not to drink, who might be taking a night off, or who have offered to be the designated driver.
  • If you are a parent or caregiver, talk with your kids about the importance of saying “NO” to underage drinking. Check out our parent resources as well as the Ask, Listen, Learn underage drinking prevention program.
  • Never ever serve or supply alcohol to anyone under the legal drinking age. It’s unsafe; it’s illegal; it’s irresponsible.

The holidays will be here before we know it. Use this time to evaluate your values and expectations.