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19 state attorneys general & parent blogger powerhouse Jessica Shyba team up to fight underage drinking

This year we are excited to launch our annual Public Service Announcement (PSA) videos timed with April’s designation as Alcohol Responsibility Month. The PSAs call upon parents to have a conversation about alcohol responsibility and feature 19 different state attorneys general from across the country and Jessica Shyba, author of the Momma’s Gone City blog and popular internet sensation Theo & Beau.

In the PSAs, the attorneys general and Jessica speak about one of four issues relating to alcohol responsibility. The topics included college binge drinking, talking early and often about underage drinking with your kids, beginning a lifetime of conversations with your kids about alcohol responsibility, and encouraging parents to be a positive role model for their kids especially behind the wheel of a car. The PSAs will begin airing throughout the attorneys’ general states this month and we can’t wait for you to see them!


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