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A Thanksgiving Message from our President and CEO

This year’s gone by in a flash. It seems like schools were just letting out, graduations were being planned and summer vacations were upon us all. It’s hard to believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. In fact, if you’re watching television you’d think you were going to wake up tomorrow morning to find presents under the tree.

As we gather for Thanksgiving dinner, we tend to be in the moment. We’re thankful for family, food, good friends and our health. And many people throw in the hope of world peace, the end of hunger, poverty, and disease around the world. All lofty goals to be sure. But for most of us, these more abstract goals give way to the reality of not being overwhelmed by the loose ends that keep us from living our lives in a safe and responsible way. Don’t get me wrong, it’s harder than it sounds and especially during the coming holiday season. As we sprint to the finish line to get the shopping done, remember that the only focus you should have behind the wheel is the road ahead. Enjoy the holiday season with friends and family without over consuming your favorite beverage. Celebrate a good year by making sure you have a safe ride home planned for yourself or your guests. And, be the positive role model for your kids that they’ll remember for years to come.

Though few of us have everything we need or want, we have much to be thankful for. Most importantly, we should be thankful for the solid values that bring out the best in us and everyone around us.

*Ralph Blackman, a father of two, is President and CEO of the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility*