State Attorneys General talk about underage drinking
Every year, The Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility has the pleasure of partnering with Attorneys General from across the country to tape Public Service Announcements (PSA). This year our focus was on our new initiative for teen driver safety, IKnowEverything. The PSAs will be distributed in May during National Youth Traffic Safety Month.
In between the PSA taping sessions, we wanted to have a conversation with the Attorneys General about underage drinking. Knowing it takes parents five minutes to have a conversation with their kids about underage drinking, we took a few minutes of the Attorneys General time to ask them, “How should parents talk about underage drinking?”
The Attorneys General had some great ideas and we hope that you can use some of their ideas and #JoinTheConvo this month! Parents are the leading influence in their kids decision to drink- or not drink- alcohol, so take a few minutes to talk with your kids and take the pledge!