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It's Back to School Time...Let's Go Back To Basics

There’s a lot of running around in August and September as school starts back up. There’s getting school supplies, planning, signing up for extra curriculars, stress. So much stress.

This fall, let’s go #BackToBasics and take a deep breath. Your kids might have all the supplies they need, but have you talked with them about the expectations that come with rising a grade level? Each year brings a new set of friends, maybe an unfamiliar hallway -- so start talking with them now to make sure they know you’re always available to listen.

Think back to when you were their age. The excitement, the anxiousness, or maybe even the “mooooom I don’t want to go back to schooool” eye-roll moments. Take the time to talk about what your experience at their age was like. What obstacles did you face? How did your parents help you through it? Keep those lines of communication open so they know they can come to you with questions, concerns or even help if they’re in a precarious situation.

We have the A-Zs of Back-to-School coming your way. Throughout August and September we’ll be posting we’ll be posting our best basic tips to make this back-to-school season seamless. Check it out on our Instagram story.

Ask us questions, and we’ll give you answers! If you’ve got anything in particular you want to know about back to school conversations, drop us a question in our story! We’re ready to help you through this.

  • Want to hear from our #TalkEarly team about how they’re preparing for Back to School? Follow along on Twitter as our team of parenting bloggers post about getting their young ones ready for the fall, focusing on how young people manage stress and what you can do as a parent to help.
  • Have a rising middle schooler? Our Ask, Listen, Learn program is filled with tips for parents to start the conversation about alcohol and other peer pressures with tweens.
  • Need some help being a more mindful parent with your high schooler? Check out our new On Responsibility video series. For the first two installments, Dr. Missy Price, Sports Psychologist and Head Soccer Coach at Wellesley College talks about mindful parenting and Julie Foudy, former Captain of the USA Women's Soccer Team and Founder of the Julie Foudy Sports Leadership Academy touches on instilling leadership skills.
  •  Kids leaving the nest? Get tips on keeping in touch with your college-bound kids with our Parents, You’re Not Done Yet infographic and videos.

How do you get #BackToBasics during back to school? Check out our note from President and CEO Ralph Blackman about his experience as a dad.