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IKnowEverything visits Woodrow Wilson High School in Portsmouth, VA

IKnowEverything traveled to Portsmouth, VA this week. This was our third Virginia IKE event! FCCLA students sported their IKnowEverything t-shirts to get their fellow classmates excited for the event. The Woodrow Wilson High students showed us that they knew a lot about safe driving, but after the challenge, they learned even more. The students particularly learned a lot about paying attention on the road, as they asked a number of questions in concern to the GPS and distracting passengers.

The program ended with a raffle of FCCLA backpacks. Woodrow Wilson High School’s FCCLA Advisor placed the winning tickets under random seats. The winners shouted with excitement and ran to the front to claim their prize. The students were thrilled to take pictures at the end of the event in their new IKnowEverything sunglasses! They were proud to have completed the IKnowEverything challenge and walk away with more driver safety knowledge.

Thanks to Woodrow Wilson High School’s FCCLA Advisor Karen Roberts, Woodrow Wilson High School’s Principal Timothy Johnson, and everyone who made these events possible!

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