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Academic Director, National Judicial College

Katheryn Yetter became academic director of the National Judicial College (NJC) in 2012. Before joining the NJC, she was senior attorney for the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges. In this capacity, she managed the day-to-day operations of over $1 million in federally grant-funded projects designed to improve the justice system’s response to child protection, custody, and visitation-related matters.

Ms. Yetter was also a policy analyst for the Oregon Judicial Department in the areas of juvenile, criminal, and family law, providing staff support to the State Family Advisory Committee Subcommittee on Domestic Violence and the Juvenile Court Improvement Project Advisory Committee. Ms. Yetter co-authored the publication “A Judicial Guide to Child Safety in Custody Cases,” the first national comprehensive tool for judicial decision making in custody and visitation cases when domestic violence is a factor. Some of her other publications include “Moving Beyond ‘Failure to Protect’” in West Virginia (2010), “Judicial Decision Making in Custody and Visitation Cases” (2008), “Responding to Allegations of Parental Alienation Syndrome” (2008), and “Data Warehouse ‘JOIN’s’ Oregon’s Court and Agency Systems” (2006).

She has written curricula and given presentations on behalf of the National Center for State Courts, the California Administrative Office of Courts, the Oregon Judicial Department, the Nevada Bar Association, the Battered Women’s Justice Project, and Futures Without Violence, among others. She is a member of the Oregon State Bar and the American Bar Association, and is a graduate of Willamette University College of Law and the University of Oregon.

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