Stay up to date with welcomes Steven Casstevens to national advisory board

Today we proudly announced that Steven Casstevens has joined our national advisory board. Currently serving as chief of police for the Buffalo Grove Police Department in Buffalo Grove, IL, Casstevens brings more than 37 years of local and national law enforcement leadership to this position.

As a member of our national advisory board, Casstevens will play a vital role in assisting in the development and execution of the organization’s mission by providing critical insights and valuable expertise to the president and CEO, Ralph Blackman, the staff and member companies.

“Drunk driving and underage drinking are important safety issues that affect us all,” Casstevens said. “I admire the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility’s innovative and effective campaigns to make our roadways safe for everyone, and I look forward to working with the national advisory board to make these programs even stronger.”

Casstevens is vice president of the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police and is a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, where he serves on several committees. He has been a consultant for Ford Motor Company and Technical Advisor on traffic safety for Allstate Insurance and the National Safety Council. In 2012, he led a select team from the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety in a first-of-its-kind project to develop a highway patrol agency and training academy for the Arab State of Qatar.

In addition to these roles, Casstevens is an adjunct instructor at the Northwestern University Center for Public Safety, and he has authored numerous articles for “Police Chief Magazine,” “Command Magazine,” “Law and Order” and “American Police Beat.”

He has won numerous local, state and national awards, including the two highest awards in the nation for highway safety, the J. Stannard Baker Award and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s National Public Service Award.

“Steven Casstevens is a leader and influencer among chiefs of police nationally and internationally,” said Ralph Blackman, president and CEO of the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility. “He has worked tirelessly for nearly three decades to make our roads safe, and we are looking forward to the valuable input and expertise he will add to our national advisory board.”

To learn more, click here, and welcome, Steven!

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